RCOEM College

RCOEM (Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management) is the best engineering college in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Established in 1984, the college offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of engineering, management, and computer applications.

Top 20 Ranked

Our college has been consistently ranked among top engineering colleges in India by various agencies including National Institutional Ranking Framework, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India Today Ranking, and a lot more.

Global Connections

MoUs with reputed Universities of USA, UK, and Australia. In addition to this, we have signed 9 MOUs with Government organization, 4 with Industry association, and 27 with varied industry players.

RCOEM Rankings

NIRF India Ranking

Engineering category – Rank Band 151-200

NIRF India Ranking

Innovation category – Rank Band 51-100

NAAC Accreddited with Grade A+

5 Centres of Excellence

Why Choose To Study In RCOEM?

We offer a unique blend of academic excellence, industry-focused curriculum, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a vibrant campus life that sets us apart from other institutions. Our experienced faculty members, industry collaborations, and global academic partnerships ensure that our students receive the best education and exposure. Additionally, our focus on research and innovation helps our students develop an analytical and creative mindset that is highly valued in the industry.
Choose RCOEM for a fulfilling and rewarding college experience that prepares you for the challenges of the real world.

RCOEM Corporate Film

Counselling Program

A Two-Day Counselling Program’ is organized on 8th and 9th June 2024, on college campus for the prospective students and their parents on the topic of , “What after XII- Counselling for Higher Education by Experts”.

Best Civil Engineering College In​ Maharashtra Civil Engineering Colleges In Nagpur

On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
– Benjamin Franklin