ACCA Certificate in IFR Course | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Get access to ACCA Certificate in IFR online course recordings with a 6 Months validity with Free Mock Test and Revision Course.
"About the Course India has converged to IFRS and has issued its own IFRS equivalent accounting standards, related to as Ind AS. We realize that it's critical for finance professionals to understand the accounting standards in the Ind-AS framework, and the affiliated practical application issues.
While covering different IFRS for preparing you to sit for ACCA’s Diploma In IFRS course, we will also cover important differences between IFRS and corresponding IND-AS in every module
Who should take this course?
Chartered Accountants, Company Registers, ICMA, and other finance professionals
Semi Good CA, CS, ICMA working in counting sphere
Finance directors, Financial regulators, and accountants
Private Equity and M&A professionals
MBA finance working in counting sphere
Course deliverables
55 hours ofe-learning vids
Online assessment
Certificate of completion
Query support through dispatch
Six months of LMS access
Assessment and Certification
EY will award‘Certificate of Completion’to actors at the end of the program.
Assessment will be grounded on MCQs
Party needs to achieve a minimal score of 50 to pass the test
All actors who meet the below criteria will be awarded a instrument of completion
Course figure
INR plus levies "